Saturday, July 25, 2009

The purse is done!

The purse is done! I had to add extra rows like I said, but it's finally finished. I even added it to my Etsy shop already (

Now I have to go to Michael's and get some beads for those napkin holders. I'm just glad I already have another project in mind.

And to make things even better, I finished Nothing to Lose by Lee Child. Now I can finally start City of Souls. All that's left is to put together my facial steamer and magnifying lamp. But so far, it's been a pretty productive day.


  1. Love the color!!! My grandma tried to teach me to knit, I couldn't even get a scarf straight.
    That looks lovely!

  2. Great color! Good luck on your next project. I need a new project soon...before I get bored. (shudders at the thought of impending boredom)

  3. It turned out great! Productive days rock!

  4. Very cute! Love the color and the handle! ;)

  5. I love bamboo handles on purses. Very classic.

  6. That turned out really cute. I don't think I have the patience to learn to knit or crochet. I can see myself throwing it across the room in frustration...
