Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vampire Diaries

I watched the first episode of The Vampire Diaries yesterday. It was... ok. Now, don't get me wrong, i LOVE vampire stuff. I read The Vampire Diaries way back in the early 90s when they were still 4 separate books. Actually, I read ALL of L. J. Smiths books then. So, what really struck me was according to the books... Elena doesn't have a brother... she has a sister who's a toddler. She's blonde (I'm 90% sure anyway), not brunette. Bonnie is Irish with the pale skin and red hair that goes with it. And seriously? Stephan and Damon are supposed to be equally hot. Ian Somerhalder (Damon) is soooo much more attractive than Stephan in this.

I know that they always take liberties when changing books to movies... but it always bugs me. Anyway, rant over. I'll probably continue to watch it (even though, like True Blood, I know the plot from reading the novels).


  1. I hate that. If I have read the book and they make very obvious changes in the movie thats what I notice over everything else. Even if its a movie I would normally like. I sit there thinking "thats not right", "thats not how it was in the book".

  2. I agree. It annoys me when they take liberties with the movies.

  3. Sorry, I didn't read L.J Smith books. I want just leave a greeting (tuesday blog ;)

  4. I've watch a few movies that where taken from books that I'd read. The movies where never as good. Think I'll stick with reading.

  5. I'm not really into vampires. I saw the movie Twilight, but I didn't read the book. I know what you mean about changing books too much when they are made into movies. I recently finished a fabulous book: The Art of Racing in the Rain. It was told from a dog's point of view. On one hand, I would love to see it as a movie. But I also think it would ruin it for me. The dog would have to have a voice, and I would be afraid it would sound like Bruce Willis in "Look Who's Talking" from years back. Sometimes a book should just stay a book. That's my rant. ; )

  6. interesting I was looking forward to watch the new tv show. Hummmm I'm not so sure now

  7. the books are always better
    ive never seen a movie top a book...now im gonna have to sit and think. and try to come up with one!

  8. I'm a huge Anne Rice fan...LeStat & Marius are my fav vamps...thanks for filling me on on the show....

  9. I wanted to see that show so badly, but I was busy when it was on. I'm looking forward to seeing the next episode. :)

  10. This is the new show that's on before Supernatural, right? I suppose I'll have to stop being an old fogey and check it out.

  11. I haven't heard of that show... have to look it up, I guess! I've been a vampire fan ever since my first Anne Rice novel years and years ago!

  12. I was not even aware of the show due to no cable but it sounds interested i will look it up

  13. Yes, movies can disappoint us after we have read the book!

    Re3cently QUintin Tarrentino (sp) gave an interview about his new movie and how he leaves things open for the viewer to decide. He said 5 people can watch the movie and based on their own presumptions/conclusions, they have all seen a different movie.


  14. I hate when that happens. But somehow, I got completely suckered into the show! :)
